Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maj. Gillham is back in Tokyo

Today we have two letters from Maj. Gillham written and mailed on the same day, with the first one having been mailed via registered mail along with a money order.  The second letter was mailed regularly and is much longer and newsier.  These are his first letters after returning from his trip down to Hiroshima, and you can sense that he is really ready to come home now.

7 Mar 46

Dearest Darling,

I mailed you a letter yesterday telling of my trip south.  This one may reach you first, for I plan to send it registered and I hear that registered air mail is the only thing that is being flown.  If you get this within two weeks, please reply by registered air mail.

I had a rather hard reaction to some shot that I took yesterday, but feel OK now. 

Your last letter that I have received was mailed 8 Feb.

I am enclosing a money order for $100.  I wonder if you got the last one?  It was mailed about 10 Feb.  There is no use in asking you a question about it or anything else, the way the mails are now I wouldn't get the answer before I left here.  I will try to anticipate any questions you might have and give you my ideas when I write.  If something comes up requiring an answer, send me a cable, or else cable requesting that I call you on the telephone.  I feel much farther away now than when I first came over here, and I am getting very anxious to get home.  Anyhow, it won't be very much longer now.

Lots of love,



7 Mar 1946

Dearest Love,

Sent you a note and $100 money order this morning by registered mail.  It may reach you long before this if they really send it by air as I hear they may.  It only costs 20 cents and is certainly worth it if it will speed up this mail situation.

I have about gotten over my shots and feel much better.  Many others that took this batch of shots had bad reactions also.  I don't think I will have to take any more while I am in the army, I am glad to say.

There is nothing much new about which to write, but I still love you as much or more than ever.

I saw Dick Johnson today.  He had a civilian job with a P-7 rating all lined up and was just ready to sign up when he got a cable from Ann telling him to come on home.  The job would have paid him about $9,000 per year, but his is passing it up and going home in a few days.  He can leave whenever he wants to, for the navy military government officers were not held under the regulations that governed the army officers.

I am stocking up on underwear, socks, shoes, gloves, etc., that I can use after I return.  I can get them much cheaper in the army and they are good material.  I got a very nice pair of tan calf skin officers gloves today.  I think I will just save them for next fall.

When I don't get any mail for a long period I just get out some of your old letters and look over all the nice pictures you sent me.  It helps some.

The group of educators has just arrived but I don't think Dr. Sutton is with them. I will check again in a few days.

As I remember Atlanta, it is very nice there in April and May.  I hope you and the children can get out and enjoy it some.  You should remember a lot of pretty spots near Atlanta.  We used to explore them enough!

When I talked to you on the telephone, you said Martha had a cold and you implied you all had had a lot of sickness.  I do hope you can stay well from now on.  Try to get outdoors regularly and make a little weekend expedition now and then.  It will do you all good in many ways.  Drive out to some country hotel and spend the night.  You will be surprised how much better you feel when you return.  It breaks the routine.

I think that instincts similar to those which "drove" me to get married in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles are beginning to work on me again.  I feel an impelling urge to return to my little flock and look after them.  You all stick together until I get there -- it won't be long, if I can help it.  We may have our troubles getting settled at first, but we have jumped a lot of hurdles together and I am sure we can can make one more.

How was the trip to Memphis?  I hope you enjoyed it.  Who went with you?  How is the car doing?  We may have to run it at least another year, so take good care of it.  And above all take good care of my three little chicks.  I know I don't have to tell you that, for you have always been a very devoted and attentive mother.

Give my love to all the family.  Tell Pop they finally got some Whittemore's shoe polish in the PX here.

Lots of love,
