Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maj. Gillham sends home some photos of Hiroshima

Here is a quick letter from Maj. Gillham written basically to accompany a set of pictures he in enclosing.  It's interesting to note how much trouble he was having taking pictures of Hiroshima in the rain, and it makes you remember how arduous 35mm photography used to be.  It's a shame he never got to experience the advent of digital photography, because I have a feeling he would have loved it. 

Incidentally, I am sure I have seen these photographs of Hiroshima, but as yet we have not found them.  When I was a kid, I found in our attic a cigar box full of loose photographs of a totally destroyed city, and my mother explained to me that it was photos that her dad had taken of Hiroshima.  They may still be up in the attic, but we haven't found them in our recent rummages.

8 Mar 1946

Dearest Darling,

Enclosed are some pictures, most of which were taken on the Hiroshima trip.  Some was Jap film and some American, but most came out fairly well considering that it was so dark and raining so hard that all the pictures in and around Hiroshima had to be bulb exposures.  This meant I always had to find something solid to set the camera on and then guess at the length of the exposure.  There were many beautiful pictorial spots around the Inland Sea, but conditions were just too bad.

I am duty officer tonight.  Now that I have returned from my trip, the weather is bright and clear.  Col. Jacobs is in the hospital.  I must try to get to see him if I can.  He had a bad sore throat.

We may try to have a little reunion of Chicago alumnae next week.  There are a good many of us in the vicinity.  I hear that Kirk is here now, but I haven't seen him yet.

I am glad I talked to you on the telephone when I did.  With this mail situation like it is, it is good to know that you were all right on 24 Feb.  My last letter still was postmarked 8 Feb.  Now with a telephone strike I might not have been able to get through to you.

I am coming myself one of these days, just you wait and see.

Loads of love,
