Friday, August 20, 2010

Maj. Gillham learns the date of his departure

Today Maj. Gillham learns of his release date, and the slow process of his homecoming is now being put into motion.  He talks about receiving an Omnibook, which was a sort of Reader's Digest wannabe, with condensed versions of books.  In that way it was also very similar to Coronet magazine, which he discussed in the previous letter, having just gotten a gift subscription from Mother 'Cile.

4 Apr 46

Dearest Lovely Dovely,

You say you like that?  Well, I like you too.

Received the other carton of cigarettes and the Omnibook.  Many thanks.  I have been reading the biography of Eisenhower in it.

Yesterday I also got a letter from you dated 24 Mar and one of the enclosures included the letters from the Posts.  It does make me feel much closer to you when then mail doesn't take so long.  I got Monty's letter and thought her picture of "boy chasing girl" was fine.  She is catching on early.

Just now another letter from you came.  It was dated 27 Mar.  I am sorry you haven't been getting enough exercise.  Hope you can get out more now that spring is coming.

I have been pushing lately to get released soon, and today was informed that I would be declared surplus on 22 Apr.  That doesn't mean I would leave immediately, but on that date the wheels will start turning toward getting me home.  I will be able to leave by 1 May.  In that case, I should be home before 1 June, unless I go by the Mediterranean.  I don't know much about the possibilities of that yet.

Yesterday Paul Zumwalt walked in.  He was on his way home.  His ship had gotten part way across the Pacific and had mechanical trouble and had to be towed back here to be put in dry dock.  For five days after they returned they weren't allowed off the ship.  It didn't seem to be bothering Paul much, but Dick Johnson was on the same boat.  I haven't seen Johnson, but Zumwalt said he was about to burst a blood vessel, and wanted to start a revolution or something of the kind.  I can imagine, can't you?  I had Paul to dinner.

I also got a letter today from Addie, Mother's nurse.  She said Mother had had a heart attack recently.  She hadn't seen Elizabeth or Ruth in about two months.

Mr. Nagano, my Japanese businessman friend, came by the office yesterday to bring me an obi for you.  He had mentioned several months ago that he was going to give me one, but I had about forgotten about it.  It is a very nice one, but not exactly the colors I would choose to go with your kimono.  However, they don't seem to bother much here about the colors as long as they are bright.

I hope your fever blister is well now.

You are smart to be running a scout troop.

I wish I could see Emily joining the church.  I'll bet she looks sweet.

The black specks on the shrimps were eyes, I think -- excellent flavor.  I am certainly looking forward to that meal you promised me.  I'll go off my diet that day.

Lots of love,
