Sunday, May 23, 2010

Maj. Gillham sends home some photos

This is just a quick letter from the Major along with some photos he sent back home.  Unfortunately, I haven't located the photos, although I do have a pile of negatives that should be developed one day.

19 Feb 1946

Dearest Sweetheart,

Enclosed are a few more pictures.  This was my first try with the new Japanese film.  It didn't do too badly, but I can see it is slower than American film.  Also enclosed are a couple of silk cocoons that I thought the children might be interested in.

Your letter telling of receiving the box of brass came today.  I am glad that you liked it.  It was a lot of fun to dig it up.  That was the second box of it that I sent.  I hope that the first and third get there too.  The third box sent about a week later was a very large box.  I too think that the rose with the tara leaf was my best piece, and an excellent design.  Some of those pieces are not supposed to have a bright metal polished surface, but rather an oxidized or bronze effect.  I think you will be able to tell them.  The scrap pile is now off limits but I got all I wanted before that happened.  I even threw away and gave away a lot of junk that was cluttering up my room.  Afterwards I saw a replica in a shop of a large vase that I had given away because it was too big to pack.  The price on it was Y750.  Some of the pieces are damaged but I thought we could fix them up when we get our shop set up again.  It will serve as stock on which to work.

It is certainly fine to have such a sweet wife.  I am sure we will have lots of fun when we can be together again.  This period of separation will make me realize more fully what a fine thing I have when I hold you in my arms.

Lots and lots of love,


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