Saturday, July 24, 2010

The mail continues to arrive in Tokyo

The letters kept pouring in today in Tokyo, and Maj. Gillham has become a changed man.  He speaks about KW again, who, according to Emily, was Maj. Gillham's boss at Southern Bell and a source of some unpleasantness for him over the years.  And, just as a refresher, Whittemore's Shoe Polish was what Pop sold in his shoe salesman business.

22 Mar 46

Dearest Darling,

It looks like this mail jam is breaking up, I am certainly glad to say.  Yesterday I got three more letters from you.  Two were dated 12 and 18 Feb, but the third was postmarked 10 Mar.  Only 10 days old!  It was the first letter I had to come by air in over six weeks!  I opened it with great gusto and anticipation.  It contained KW's speech!!  I was so disgusted that I haven't read it yet.

This morning I got another big fat letter that had come by air and was dated 11 Mar.  It contained the children's school papers and magazine clippings and a letter from Peg that was 10 days more recent than the last I had had from you.

Finally, this afternoon a real letter from you arrived.  It was postmarked 12 Mar and was very welcome indeed.  All your letters have been very sweet and I love to get them and read them over and over again.  I am still missing anything you wrote between 18 Feb and 12 Mar, but it certainly is wonderful to get your inspiring letters again.  I enjoy all of your tales about the children and your own activities.  You must be having quite a time.

Today I also got Emily's letter telling me she is going to dance "with boys"!  Oh my!  A new day is dawning for us, I am afraid.  I hope she has a nice time and enjoys it.  I think it is well to learn such things early so that one doesn't feel embarrassed or out of place later on.  My opinion is naturally based on our theory of parents compensating their own deficiencies through their children.

You mentioned the Imperial Household Museum.  I went out there a couple of months ago, but it wasn't open.  The Japs had carted most of the stuff out to the country during the air raids.  However, it is opening next week, and I have an invitation to the preview to be held Sunday.  I am looking forward to it with a great deal of interest and will write you about it.

Nara was not bombed.  It is down near Kyoto, an overnight trip from Tokyo.  I want to go there before I leave, if I can.

My rheumatism has been rather bad in the left shoulder since I went skiing.  I have a doctor working on it.  He thinks it is bursitis and not arthritis.  He is now giving me some tests to determine.  If I can get this thing properly diagnosed, I might be able to get some treatment that would do some good.  My feet are not yet causing me any trouble, because I am not on them much.  I went to a dance about a month ago and they hurt for a week afterwards.  Otherwise they have been O.K.

Since I am not the least bit worried about my job, I have had no ulcers or stomach trouble.  When they try to put any pressure on me now I tell them, "Maybe you had better hire somebody else."

I probably don't get a haircut often enough.  I need one now.  Thanks for reminding me.  All such work here is done by Japs.  We have an excellent barber in the hotel here that for many years worked on a steamship running between Japan and San Francisco.  At the Peers Club they have the former Imperial barber.  I understand that he cuts hair in full dress.  When I was in Fukuoka, I got one of those kinks in my back.  They got me a Japanese masseur who worked on me for about an hour and got it right out.  He was very skillful.  When I had my shoulder x-rayed it was done by Japanese technicians.  They even use them exclusively for army jeep drivers now.  And they scare you to death, too, the way they plow through the pedestrians.

I haven't had much trouble with holes in my socks because I had all new equipment.  There is a nice little Jap girl that looks after my room now.  I giver her a candy bar now and then and she seems very pleased and keep my room immaculate.  When she finds any of my clothes needing mending, she mends them without request by me.  A combination of Whittemore's Shoe Polish and Japanese elbow grease keep my shoes so that they hurt your eyes.

I have everything that I need here, but I wouldn't care for this life for long.  I much prefer the trials and tribulations, and the joys of my own family.

I will now turn in and read all the things you sent me.  I might even read KW's paper, now that I have a letter from you.

You are the light of my life, my darling.  In my eyes all life revolves around you.  And the nicest thing is you are my very own.  I love you with all my heart.


P.S. I sent you a box today containing some silks, the Hiroshima vase, etc.  There is something in it for everybody.  WTG

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