Tuesday, July 20, 2010

...and mail finally arrives in Tokyo

Maj. Gillham finally gets a pile of mail from home, a day after Frances received mail as well, so the channels must be slowly opening up again.  He does his best to answer all of Frances' questions (you may need to refer back to previous posts to refresh your memory) and gives some very sage advice about problem solving.

20 Mar 1946

Dearest Lovely,

The mail finally got through and I got three letters from you today, dated 13, 18 and 19 of Feb.  Also one from Emily and one from Dan.  These were all written before I called you, but it was certainly good to get them and read them and feel close to you again.  I had begun to feel so far away -- it had been over a month since I received a letter.  I have read them all several times.

I haven't gotten the package with the cigarettes, candy and jelly yet, but I did get the cigarettes in the package by themselves, and the film and lock.

I also got the Valentines with the pictures, but not the ones mailed on 12 Feb.  The last thing I had before this batch of mail was mailed 8 Feb.

I hope Monty got in the Brownies and Emily in the Scouts.  I am glad you had fun cooking out.  Those amateurs didn't know they were up against a professional camper in you.

What has become of all of Mother 'Ciles' what-nots, with Martha at the reaching age?  As I remember, she would certainly have made a wreck of it.  What did she get into at Avery's?

I also got a Feb. Southern Telephone News today.  It looks like everyone is returning all at once.  I don't know what they are doing with them all.

I am afraid you didn't find any art treasures among that brass that I sent.  It is interesting, but I don't think valuable.  A connoisseur might have been able to pick out some good pieces, but I didn't know one from the other, and it was mostly junk anyway.  Did the big box with the gong in it ever get there?  There are a few nice things here but they are all so expensive that I don't feel able to go in for art objects.  Also, I need you to help me find and select things.  It would be great fun prowling into things here with you.

I am glad you got your freight delivered okay.  I infer that it arrived in good condition.  I hope it doesn't crowd you out of house and home.

I hope the children enjoyed the dancing and made some nice friends.

When I read of your activities from this great perspective of time and distance, it is almost like reading an 18th-century diary.  It is hard for me to realize that only a short time ago I was concerned with similar things.  When you are close to a problem, it sometimes looks much bigger than it is.  When things seem to crowd in on you and tend to get you down, back off and look at the situation from a distance and I think it will clear up.

You made no comment on the enclosed correspondence about the taxes on the Doc Hall place, but it looks like you are handling it O.K.  I have always thought the taxes on that piece were lower than normal, so I guess it was logical to raise it a little.  I guess there is no help for it.

Things certainly look brighter to me now since I got some mail from you.  I think the air mail will be functioning again soon.  You have probably had a dearth of mail, too, but I hope it hasn't been as hard on you as it has on me.

I just don't function very well without you, darling.  I will certainly be glad when we can "function" together again.

A heart full of love,


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