Monday, January 2, 2012

Plans begin to be finalized for the trip home

Things have started to accelerate with the major's plans for returning home.  It looks like he will be shipping out at any moment, and the anticipation is almost too much for either of them to bear. 

29 Apr 46

Dearest Lovely,

I know that my letters have been rather incoherent lately.  I have been moving so fast that I haven't been able to think clearly.

I now have my orders to report to the 4th Replacement Depot for return to the U.S.  The only catch is that there are practically no boats leaving in the next two or three weeks. I am going out there tomorrow and check in.  I have a letter requesting that I be allowed to return to SCAP and work until a ship is ready.  That means I can continue living at the Dai Ichi Hotel instead of camping at the depot.  I talked to the doctors today and they decided that it would be better for me to go on this way and then go to a hospital after I reach the states.  It seems that you sometimes have to wait two or three months for a hospital ship.  I am in as good condition as normal during the last two years, but I want to get this ailment cleared up before I leave the army, if possible.

I got a very nice letter of commendation for my work here.  It entitles me to wear another ribbon.  I certainly never expected anything of the kind.  It is signed by a major general who is MacArthur's deputy chief of staff.

Walton Sugg came by to see me today.  He has had a hernia operation recently and is resting up by visiting several rest camps.  He looks well and is soon to be the corps chaplain for I Corps with headquarters at Kyoto.  That is a big job and a fine place to be located.  He expects to go home next fall, and is not bringing his family out here.

I sent another box today with some swords and a few odds and ends in it.  The paper umbrella is one like they use here when it rains.  Tomorrow is the last day that war trophies can be mailed, but I have all mine en route now.

Darling, I can tell from your letters that you have been going through that emotional anguish that comes from a too long separation.  I have experienced the same feeling several times over here, and I know how it is.  I am just sorry that I can't be with you, for it would help us both.  However, now that I am actually beginning to move in your direction, I think I can live on hope and expectation until I get there.  You are the light of my life and I am heading for the light like a big moth.  My guess is that I will get away from here by 15 May and get to Atlanta about 1 June.

We will have to make some changes in Mother's affairs when I get home, but I guess they can wait until I get there.  If I can get her some sort of a pension and rent the house Mrs. Wright is in, maybe we can make it.

I will talk to the Telephone Co. as soon as I return and see what they are willing to do.

I think you have been very smart and managed things well while I was away.  I am glad I have such a competent wife.  And I am glad she is so pretty and sweet, too.

Enclosed are a few pictures that Wilson took with his camera and gave to me.

I found this paper in my foot locker and thought I might as well use some of it.  Our stay in Charlottesville was a pleasant experience, wasn't it?  In fact, we have had many pleasant experiences together, and I am looking forward to many more.

Thanks for getting my clothes ready.  I hope I am not too big for them, but I don't think I will be.

I think that by all means you should have an evening dress, and I feel sure we can get enough use out of it to justify the trouble.

I was able to get 10 yards of a dark print silk the other day.  It should make a nice dress of some sort.

I am looking forward to dressing up and stepping out with you, as well as whiling away a little time in private.

I am also looking forward to seeing our fine children again.  I want to spend a little time with each of them individually and then romp with them all -- you can join in if you feel able.

Lots and lots of love,



Here are the three photos that Maj. Gillham included with this letter.  The caption of each is taken from the handwritten descriptions on the back of the photos.  Again, the best way to see the photos in their largest resolution is to right click on them and choose "Open Link in New Window."

"On the mountainside near Miyanashita, Japan, Apr 46"

"Telephone loading coils south of Yokohama, Japan, Mar 46"

"The entrance to an inn, Tokyo, Mar 46"

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