Friday, May 7, 2010

Maj. Gillham buys himself a present: a black silk kimono

In today's letter, we find a hodge-podge of topics, including an interesting lesson in diary keeping. 

8 Feb 1946

Enclosed is money order for $100.  I find that that is about the best way to send it.  Other methods are so slow and uncertain.  If you can sock this away now, I am sure that we will soon be able to use it to advantage.

I haven't received any more mail from you lately, but everyone is having trouble with their mail now.  I am glad that I had a nice batch of it from you when I returned from Nikko.

Today I attended a conference on scientific research activities that the Japs should be allowed to pursue.  It was presided over by an Australian Brigadier.  I must admit that at times I had trouble understanding him.

Today I got myself a present.  It is the first thing I have gotten for myself since I have been here.  It is a black silk man's kimono.  It makes a fine dressing gown and will be fine for traveling since it packs into a small space.  Also, I need it here in this hotel.

Maj. Wade is here now.  I had supper with him tonight.  He is planning to stay here as long as they will let him.

Today I saw an officer that has the diary problem solved.  He has a lot of loose-leaf notebook pages -- his wife has the book and he encloses the pages in letters to her.  If I had done that I might have been able to keep a respectable diary.  As it is I seldom get to make an entry.

How are things at home now, besides the tight housing situation?  Are foods and other commodities plentiful?  How are prices?  Are they still rising?

This is a strange and artificial world that I live in here.  It may take me some time to regain a sense of values.  You are the most constant value in my life.  With you as par I have something to tie to.

Lots of love,


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