Sunday, January 1, 2012

Frances recounts Monty's birthday party

Today Frances tells of Monty's birthday party, which she hinted at in an earlier letter. My mother (Monty) doesn't remember the details of the party, but she can confirm that her mother was always one to make every occasion festive. Carl and Bryant are home now, as well, and Carl enclosed a funny note to Maj. Gillham, which I have added at the end.

April 29, 1946

Dearest Darling,

Monty had a delightful birthday Saturday. I took seven children to the Rollerdrome skating. I skated with them, too. Afterwards, I planned to give them ice cream, but I was too hungry. I asked them which they'd rather have -- ice cream or hamburgers. They all wanted hamburgers, too!

I bought some, and some potato chips, and drove them out to Fernbank, and we ate them there. When I delivered them safely to their homes and came home myself, I was whipped down! And I think they were, too!

Yesterday at dinner we had a birthday cake and ice cream. She received several nice presents -- a spoon from Grandmother, a dress from Bryant, a game from Elizabeth, and doll from Pop and Mother 'Cile, a game from Emily and the lovely red kimono from Daddy. She felt that she had a lovely day, except for the fact that her sweet Daddy wasn't here.

We missed you terribly. We played "Happy Birthday" with the darling little powder box that you bought for me at the P.X. in Chicago.

Yesterday, I found a tulip poplar flower that I brought home to send you. It is too bulky to put in an envelope, so I will just have to write you about it!

I had another package about ready to mail you when you said you would be surplus. I decided not to send it because packages take so long to reach you.

Tonight, Carl, Bryant and I are going to the Auditorium to a Book Fair. Captain Butcher, who wrote "Three Years with Eisenhower," is one of the authors to be there tonight.

Enclosed is a note from Carl.

I love you, darling.


Dear Bill,

Sure do need your help. Hurry home. Nine women in one house -- help!



Harry C. Butcher was a long-time radio announcer who was commissioned as a Lt. Commander in the Navy and ended up being a Naval aide to Eisenhower in the war. The diary that he kept eventually was published as the book mentioned above, "My Three Years with Eisenhower," which was quite a success.


Katherine Caldwell said...

Poor uncle Carl!

Martha said...

I still have the little music box and it has accompnied most every birthday in our household. Mother (Frances) repainted it before she gave it to me 40+years ago.